Sunday, May 25, 2014

Roman Numerals and FsCheck

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
-- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Act III, Scene II, Lines 74-75

Testing is Hard

Lets face it, testing is hard.  In fact be able to test something in which you are unsure even how it is suppose to work is very hard.  Luckily we have a bit more tools today than when people wrote assembler.  One such tool is property based testing.

With property based testing you test for properties of the result of your system under test.  Also unlike traditional unit testing, with property based testing your test data is generated for you.  With this style of testing you can enhance your unit testing by finding more edge cases with property based testing.  I believe an example would be nice about now.

Property of Roman Numerals

The Roman Numerals kata is an interesting exercise in which you take a number in its arabic form and convert it into its roman numeral form.  This kata is fairly realistic if you do a lot of ETL type working in your day-to-day job.  Let's take a look at some of the rules for the Roman Numeral kata.

Given an arabic number it will be converted to a string representing its value as a roman numeral.

roman(   1) => I
roman(   2) => II
roman(   3) => III
roman(   4) => IV
roman(   5) => V
roman(   6) => VI
roman(   7) => VII
roman(   8) => VIII
roman(    9) => IX
roman(  10) => X
roman(  29) => XXIX
roman(  30) => XXX
roman(  49) => XLIX
roman(  50) => L
roman(  99) => XCIX
roman( 100) => C
roman( 499) => CDXCIX
roman( 500) => D
roman( 999) => CMXCIX
roman(1000) => M

Looking at the examples above we see that we only really need to test 1-10 and special values like 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, and 1000.  We also see that roman numerals have properties like, at most we have one of the values like V, L, and D in the roman numeral string.  We also see that we have a property of only have up to three of the same letter in a row.  With these tests and properties in mind we can write some C# code to provide the functionality and test it with some F# code using xUnit and FsCheck.

Unit Testing

With our Unit Testing we only really need to test 1-10 and special values like 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, and 1000.

We can do this with one simple test (lines 8-38 in the gist above).

module ``Roman Numeral Unit tests`` =
let ``For this input it will produce this output`` () =
let testpairs = [
(0, "")
(1, "I")
(2, "II")
(3, "III")
(4, "IV")
(5, "V")
(6, "VI")
(7, "VII")
(8, "VIII")
(9, "IX")
(10, "X")
(20, "XX")
(30, "XXX")
(40, "XL")
(50, "L")
(90, "XC")
(100, "C")
(400, "CD")
(500, "D")
(900, "CM")
(1000, "M")
for (number, expected) in testpairs do
let romanizer = RomanNumeraler ()
let actual = romanizer.Translate number
Assert.Equal<string>(expected, actual)
With one simple collection of pairs we can easily add test cases as we add functionality.  This is a big boost for productivity.

I got the idea for this from Scott Wlaschin's blog excellent blog post.

Property Based Testing

Unit Testing is great for driving out what we already know, but how do we really put our code through the wringer?  This is were property based testing comes into play.  For our property based testing we will use FsCheck.

The first property we'll look at is that we have at most one V, L, or D in the roman numeral string.

let ``max number of V is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "V"
let ``max number of L is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "L"
let ``max number of D is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "D"

We see that this uses very similar functionality to test so we come up with a general function.

let ``max number of letter is 1`` letter number =
let romanNumerals = ((RomanNumeraler()).Translate number)
let numberOf = match romanNumerals with
| "" -> 0
| _ -> (romanNumerals.Length - romanNumerals.Replace(letter, "").Length) / romanNumerals.Length
match numberOf with
| 0 | 1 -> true
| _ -> false

We get the count of the number of letters repeating using a function I found on Rosetta Code that I thought was very slick.

Next we see that this property is also true for the values of IV, IX, XL, XC, CD, and CM.

let ``max number of CM is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "CM"
let ``max number of CD is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "CD"
let ``max number of XC is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "XC"
let ``max number of XL is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "XL"
let ``max number of IX is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "IX"
let ``max number of IV is 1`` =
``max number of letter is 1`` "IV"

Now we can actual test the properties.

let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one V`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of V is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one L`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of L is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one D`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of D is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one CM`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of CM is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one CD`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of CD is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one XC`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of XC is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one XL`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of XL is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one IX`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of IX is 1``
let ``for all valid inputs there is a maximum of one IV`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``max number of IV is 1``

To limit the value which are passed to our tests we can a normalize function which will limit values to be between 1 and 3999.

let normalize x = (abs x % 3999) + 1

Now we can look at testing the max number of repeating letters for I and X.

let ``has max number of repeating letter is 3`` letter number =
let romanizer = RomanNumeraler ()
not ((romanizer.Translate number).Contains(String.replicate 4 letter))
let ``has max number of repeating I is 3`` =
``has max number of repeating letter is 3`` "I"
let ``has max number of repeating X is 3`` =
``has max number of repeating letter is 3`` "X"

let ``for all valid inputs, there is a max of three repeating I`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``has max number of repeating I is 3``
let ``for all valid inputs, there is a max of three repeating X`` (x:int) =
normalize x |> ``has max number of repeating X is 3``

Last we can look at testing every number which is divisible by 5 ends with a V.

let ``divisible by 5 will have a V`` number =
let romanizer = RomanNumeraler ()
(romanizer.Translate number).Contains "V"

let ``for all valid inputs divisible by 5, there is a V`` (x:int) =
x % 2 <> 0
==> ``divisible by 5 will have a V`` (abs x * 5)

We can continue in this format but I believe we have a good foundation at this point.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Property Based Testing with FsCheck

"I should love thee but as a property."
Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor
Act III, Scene IV, Line 10


I've tested it but only for the cases that I thought of.

This is the testing dilemma in a nutshell, we know that we need to test our software, but we also know that we cannot test our software for every single state and permutation of input.  Therefore we need our testing utility belt to be as full as possible.

When I first started to do Haskell I came across this testing framework called QuickCheck, it did not conform to my idea of how a testing framework should work so I discarded it found HUnit.  It was not until Stuart Halloway's SCNA 2013 presentation on Datomic that I took notice of the idea of Property Testing (or Generative Testing as I've also heard it called).  Fast forward a little bit to when I saw a blog posted entitled, FsCheck + XUnit = The Bomb on The Morning Brew, I figured I'd look more into Property Testing.

Property Testing

With Unit Testing you typically have two parts, your Code to be Tested and your Unit Tests which contain your Test Cases and Test Data.

With Property Testing you decouple your Test Data from your Tests.  Instead of coming up with both your Test Cases and Test Data you instead simply describe your functionality and shape of data to be used to test said functionality.  The test runner then takes this description and runs 100 different permutation of Test Data against it.

I believe I hear, an example would be nice now, so let us look at one.

Using Property Testing on FizzBuzz

Looking at the Gist above we see a Fact that does nothing.  This is in place to allow NCrunch to pick up our Property test below it.  Simon Dickson goes over this in his blog post on FsCheck.

After that we see a comment about having less restrictive tests.  With Property Testing you can do one of two things, you can either be very restrictive about the Test Data that is allowed to run against your Test Description or you can reshape the data so that it fits your needs.  We'll first look at reshaping the data.

Looking at lines 18-22 we see the following:

let ``A number not be divisable by 5 and multiplied by 3 will return Fizz`` (x:int) =
let fizzbuzzer = FizzBuzzer ()
(x % 5 <> 0)
==> ("Fizz" = fizzbuzzer.Translate (x * 3))

First you have a test name, F# is great in that you can use backticks "`" to allow for a more readable name.  Next we create our FizzBuzzer class from the C# code.

Now we are ready to use FsCheck.  We'll use the ==> operator from FsCheck this has two parts.  The part on the left side of the ==> operator is used to restrict the Test Data.  In this example we are telling the Property Test Runner we want an integer and it has to not be divisible by 5.  Why is that?  Well whatever value the Property Test Runner gives us we will be multiplying it by 3, so if we allowed a number divisible by 5, we would end up with a number divisible by 15 which should be FizzBuzz not Fizz.

The part on the right side of the ==> operator is used to assert our property holds with the given Test Data.  In this example we are calling the Translate method on the FizzBuzzer object and multiplying the Test Data value given by 3.  The output of the Translate method should then be the string Fizz.  This property will be run with a 100 different Test Data values!

Running this Property Test 100 times with very little control over the Test Data values has a way of finding all kinds of edge cases that you have not thought of.

Let us look at a more restrictive example on lines 55-60:

// will fail with "Arguments exhausted" if not limited to around 50
let ``A number divisable by 15 will return FizzBuzz`` (x:int) =
let fizzbuzzer = FizzBuzzer ()
(x % 15 = 0)
==> ("FizzBuzz" = fizzbuzzer.Translate x)

First we see that we have a comment so we have failed in some sense, but we'll get to why that comment and value of MaxTest=50 are there in a little bit.

The set up for the restrictive test looks very similar to our less restrictive tests except that we are not reshaping the Test Data on the right side of the ==> operator.  Instead of reshaping the Test Data we are being more restrictive on what the Property Test Runner can give us.  This is why we need the comment and MaxTest=50, you see the Property Test Runner is "randomly" generating Test Data and at some point it will just give up on find values that are divisible by 15 (think of how rare that would be).

I found with my usage if I set the MaxTest=50 the property will pass every time.  If I used a value greater than 50 like 75 I would get an "Arguments exhausted" on most but not all of my test runs.  Having inconclusive test results is bad, so I would rather limit the number of test cases if I feel the need to use a more restrictive test set.  Personally I'd rather use the the less restrictive test set with the reshaping of the Test Data, but to each their own.

There you have it another tool to add to your testing utility belt.